Wednesday, March 16, 2011

As reading Fiction-it improves the functioning of the brain

It seems that the human brain hum along quite nicely without too much effort, by only employing fixed patterns and procedures. However, I suggest that it can easily do so much better with the news and activities of randomly adds help build Cortical connections.

In school we had to memorize all sorts of stuff good for training our young scientists, but simply memorizing poems, models, dates, and similar wasn't sufficient to permit us to literature, the wonder of science, or a historical perspective.

No, we are stuck with static brain, nor are we necessarily stuck with deteriorating one. In the past twenty years, neuroscientists have discovered that the adult brain can regenerate brain cells. For almost seventy percent of Frontotemporal cerebral ageing are controlled through the implementation of the mental and physical, together with the diet. American neuroscientist Dr. Steven Miller, with the scientific Learning Corporation, said: "things you can do, as long as you write, what to do, to challenge Your brain, actually reduce the likelihood of loss in age-related memory."

Curiosity is the key to quality education. Increasing the human brain must be challenged. We have found most of what we know about how the brain learns, in the last decade. For example, the Centre of fun brain strongly reacts to the unexpected, and, therefore, that the news may be a strategic tool for training the brain.

What to do with reading Fiction? Recent research at Baylor College of Medicine and Emory University helped explain why some people are those who know unexpected. Experience has shown that the brain reward pathways more strongly than expected response to unexpected stimuli. This may help explain aspects of addictive behaviour such as drug and gambling, risky decision-making, participation in extreme sports, and so, the joy of reading fiction. In the new training materials, the brain puts in doubt. That is good because all of our organs, the brain is the only, which will continue to grow and develop, if properly nourished and stimulated. The more you use it the better.

Make the cells of the brain in mental generation of new extensions, resulting in a richer information processing. Reading fiction, especially in terms of different authors, pushes our boundaries vicariously experience fresh scenarios and identify the characters. Not surprisingly, require their novels. Forcing us to create a scene, the appearance of the characters, smells and sounds, and prodding our emotions, reading Fiction, stimulating all our senses and tweaks our brain. Read does this much better than simply viewing someone else's interpretation of transparencies or in art.

How does this translate to the real world? Shows in more creativity. Smart companies today look for innovative thinkers who can recognize the changes in the structure of the market and who aspire to a better processes and procedures. Progressive companies seeking leaders, not only followers.

So what is the secret to keeping the brain active? Stay curious, collaborate with others to embrace the chance of possible prospects, and push the boundaries.

Author and international speaker, Brian e. Walsh withdrew from the career of 30 years of management to further his earlier interest in NLP and hypnotherapy. He returned to study and within four years he had achieved the degree of doctor.

Dr. Walsh regularly leads workshops and teleclasses on enriched learning. He is a master practitioner of NLP, detoksyfikacje acupuncture, dental practitioner, EFT and clinical hypnotherapist.

Its eZine, "Personal enrichment Digest has subscribers all over the world. Its most recent version is the DVD presentation, minute "Enriched learning". He is also co-author with John Gray and Jack Canfield in the self-help book, "101 Great ways to improve Your Life: Volume 2."

Its Web site is

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