Wednesday, December 15, 2010

brain train

Cognitive Training Software

Cognitive Brain Training Software - Brain Injury rehabilitationHave fun using BrainTrain’s cognitive training software to improve your attention, self-control, listening skills, reasoning ability, and memory - the basic skills you need for success in school and in life. Research indicates that just as physical exercise improves physical health and prevents illness, brain training games and exercises can improve the cognitive functioning of people with ADD/ADHD, head injuries, Learning Disabilities (LD), schizophrenia, and other cognitive impairments.
brain injury rehabilitation, test of attention, ADD / ADHD Testing SoftwareBrainTrain's library of computerized brain training exercises - Captain's Log cognitive training software, SoundSmart and SmartDriver - provide over 2000 hours of systematic computerized brain workouts to help people of all ages restore or improve their working memory, attention, self-control, mental processing speed, and more.
brain rehabilitation - attention screening tool
Reading Softwareattention training, reading training, reading deficits
BrainTrain now offers a DYNAMITE new approach to help people with reading problems.
Combining entertaining phonics games with working memory training the Test 'n' Train Reading System - TNT Reading - tests and then trains in a carefully structured hierarchy of research-based exercises. Learning to read can be a great experience for everyone!
brain rehabilitation - attention screening tool
Neurofeedback SoftwareSmartMind - EEG Neurofeedback - Attention Training - brain injury rehabilitation

SmartMind 2, BrainTrain's advanced neurofeedback system, is at the forefront of neurofeedback software in that it incorporates special pattern recognition algorithms (Patent Pending) to filter out facial, BrainTrain's advanced neurofeedback system, is at the forefront of neurofeedback software in that it incorporates special pattern recognition algorithms (Patent Pending) to filter out facial artifact. This feature allows you to train directly to the executive processing center of the brain contained in the frontal lobes. As a stand-alone neurofeedback system, SmartMind 2 features engaging games and exceptional graphing capability. For even greater effectiveness, use SmartMind 2 in combination with the 2000 Captain's Log Brain Games to improve cognitive skills.
BrainTrain's SmartMind 2 software now supports J&J C2+, Pocket Neurobics Pendant EEG, BrainMaster Atlantis I and II, Thought Technology FlexComp Infiniti, ProComp 5 Infiniti, and ProComp 2.  Add the SmartMind 2 software to your current neurofeedback system at a low cost.

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test of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - brain training software

ADD/ADHD Screening and Testing Software

IVA ADHD Testing & IVA ADHD Screening - Test of Attention
The BrainTrain Test Battery contains two continuous performance tests (CPTs) that provide in-depth, objective information to help the clinician diagnose and differentiate the four categories of ADD/ADHD. The IVA+Plus Continuous Performance Test and the IVA-AE (Advanced Edition) Continuous Performance Test are unique in that each test assesses both visual and auditory attention and response inhibition in one easy-to-use instrument.
The IVA+Plus, which is approximately 13 minutes long, is normed for ages 6 - 96. In addition to it's proven value as a diagnostic tool for children and adults worldwide, it provides an excellent ADD/ADHD screening instrument in the school setting.
The IVA-AE is the only continuous performance test produced specifically to help the clinician diagnose ADHD/ADD in adults. Normed for ages 18 - 50, the IVA-AE may be used in a short version as an ADD/ADHD screening tool or in a longer version to challenge the adult whose more subtle attention deficits may not be detected by an easier ADHD test instrument
Discover great new ideas to help your practice grow. As part of a small, privileged group, you will work closely with Dr. Sandford to experience hands on how to use BrainTrain’s software easily and effectively.
Click here for more about BrainTrain’s fall professional training workshops.

American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes efficacy of neurofeedback and working memory training in the treatment of ADHD
Based on a recent analysis of evidence-based studies, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has now recognized neurofeedback (EEG brainwave biofeedback) and working memory training as clinically efficacious in the treatment of children and adolescents with attention and hyperactivity disorders. AAP’s analysis, using the PracticeWise Evidence Based Services (PWEBS) database, determined that using these interventions significantly improves attention and reduces hyperactivity.

For the past 21 years, BrainTrain has pioneered the development of cognitive rehabilitation and neurofeedback software to improve working memory, attention and mental processing speed. In a $1.3M Duke University study funded by the Department of Education, 64% of students who began the study in the 1st grade with 6 or more inattentive symptoms were symptom-free (0 or 1 symptom) in the 2nd grade after only 20 hours of attention training using the Captain’s Log® system.

Dr. Joseph Sandford, President of BrainTrain, Inc., answers some frequently asked questions.

Save on BrainTrain Products.
We offer monthly e-mail specials to our professional customers. Sign up for our e-mail list today, and receive a $25 discount off any BrainTrain product!
brain training software - brain injury rehabilitation - Cerebral MalariaCaptain's Log Used with Survivors of Cerebral Malaria
Captain's Log is being adapted to rehabilitate Ugandan children who are survivors of cerebral malaria.  Click here for more information.

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