Thursday, December 23, 2010

Best tips for making better grades

Not everyone has the brain power of Einstein, but you can easily improve your grades by following a system. Here are 10 tips on how to get better grades. Use these tips to build a system that will work best for you. They may seem simple and even common sense but we often forget to implement them when we want to perform well and improve upon our academic level of accomplishment.

1) Eat Breakfast.

This may seem a little off the subject but it’s not. Your body needs nourishment in the morning before you head to school. You are more alert and have more energy to stay awake and pay attention during the early morning classes. Just as much as you SHOULDN’T eat right before you go to bed, you SHOULD eat when you start your day. Your body will start to wake up as it begins to take in calories and, in turn, will start to burn those calories causing you to become alert.

2) Look at your teachers when they are talking.

Focus your eyes on your teacher while they are explaining the lesson. This simple action will train your mind to stay on course with what is being taught at that moment. Always try to look at whoever is speaking, unless of course you are taking notes but continue to make eye contact with the instructor when possible. This not only helps your mind focus, it is also a sign of respect for your teacher, who will also want to help you that much more. Teachers love students who are interested in learning!

3) Think about what your teacher is saying.

Try not to drift off (see 2nd tip on focusing your eyes). As your teacher speaks, allow your mind to paint a picture of what she is saying. Start thinking about the idea, problem or story she is telling at that very moment.

4) Sit in a listening position.

When you put your body into a listening position, you are in some ways tricking your mind into to telling it that “hey it’s time to pay attention”. We do this constantly at our Martial Arts school; all students must sit or stand in a listening position when there is instruction. We even make up games to teach them how to sit in those positions. In school sit up straight, feet on the floor and put your hands on the desk. Once again the teacher will respect you and be very willing to answer any questions you have.

5) Do class work during class time.

If at all possible, do your work during class time so you can get help if needed.

Don’t try to save it all up for later when you may get stuck on a problem.

6) Ask questions when you don’t understand.

This may seem like a no-brainer but many kids don’t ask questions and just assume they can figure it out on their own. When they get home, even Mom and Dad can’t figure it out. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, unless you’re just not paying attention in the first place. Teachers don’t like to repeat information that they just gave out, especially if they feel like you weren’t listening.

7) Answer questions during class.

Challenge yourself to answer questions during class when the teacher is openly quizzing the students. By doing this you are, in some ways, becoming the teacher. If you prepare yourself to answer questions then you will study harder and learn much more than if you just see yourself as the student. Be a leader in your class and answer questions.

8) Complete homework accurately and on time.

Another simple maxim of getting good grades; start your homework as soon as you can and give yourself plenty of time to finish it accurately. You may not be able to get every answer correct but it will give you the best possible outcome by having enough time to finish and getting your homework in on time.

9) Study for tests.

Not a whole lot you can say about this one other than “Just Do It”. Tests are usually a large portion of your grade; make it a habit to study before test time.

10) Ask a parent to quiz you for your tests.

Your parents want to see you get good grades, they will be happy to be involved with the process especially if you come, to them. Give them a list of questions and you can even make a game out of it, a small piece of candy for each correct answer or maybe a special dessert for a certain number of correct answers. Be creative with your studying.

Don’t try to save it all up for later when you may get stuck on a problem.

6) Ask questions when you don’t understand.

This may seem like a no-brainer but many kids don’t ask questions and just assume they can figure it out on their own. When they get home, even Mom and Dad can’t figure it out. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, unless you’re just not paying attention in the first place. Teachers don’t like to repeat information that they just gave out, especially if they feel like you weren’t listening.

7) Answer questions during class.

Challenge yourself to answer questions during class when the teacher is openly quizzing the students. By doing this you are, in some ways, becoming the teacher. If you prepare yourself to answer questions then you will study harder and learn much more than if you just see yourself as the student. Be a leader in your class and answer questions.

8) Complete homework accurately and on time.

Another simple maxim of getting good grades; start your homework as soon as you can and give yourself plenty of time to finish it accurately. You may not be able to get every answer correct but it will give you the best possible outcome by having enough time to finish and getting your homework in on time.

9) Study for tests.

Not a whole lot you can say about this one other than “Just Do It”. Tests are usually a large portion of your grade; make it a habit to study before test time.

10) Ask a parent to quiz you for your tests.

Your parents want to see you get good grades, they will be happy to be involved with the process especially if you come, to them. Give them a list of questions and you can even make a game out of it, a small piece of candy for each correct answer or maybe a special dessert for a certain number of correct answers. Be creative with your studying.

Learning can be a fun process and getting good grades makes it all that much more enjoyable. Parents need to encourage their kids by making it fun for them to want to get better grades. Oh, and one more thing, these tips don’t just work on kids, they work on grown ups also!

Learning can be a fun process and getting good grades makes it all that much more enjoyable. Parents need to encourage their kids by making it fun for them to want to get better grades. Oh, and one more thing, these tips don’t just work on kids, they work on grown ups also!

Learn more about this author, Mike Webb.

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